Posted by Ron Pasco on 2/1/2013 to
I normally take care of production matters or tech support, but occasionally I get the opportunity to speak with customers who feel that buying a tug was a life-changing decision. Their enjoyment of flying increases. They can fly more often and at any time they choose. Their discomfort from lugging a plane by hand diminishes.
I was there the day this company was born.
It was a slippery day almost 40 years ago...
It had just rained and I was enlisted to help push the plane (getting the kids involved - yay!). My (now former) step-dad slipped right on his rear. Hard. Let me tell you, our enthusiasm to move that plane further had waned.
Fortunately, soon after the fall, we set about making the very first airplane movers, starting with a simple winch and then moving on to the tugs you see today.
Unfortunately, that fall set off a chain of events that was to plague him with back problems for the rest of his life. He even rigged up a traction device in the living room to help relieve the pain. He was a large, strong man who was not accustomed to restrictions on his life.
I know one of his regrets was not doing something earlier.
Now, I get to hear the same story over and over about how people wish they had acted earlier. Many of them don't even have back problems; they just wish they would have acted earlier for the safety, comfort and convienience that a Powertow airplane tug offers.
Chiropractic visits can costs hundreds if not thousands of dollars for each injury. The lost time and misery is incalculable. The price of a Powertow pales in comparison.
If you wonder how big the "bad back" business is click here: